Tourmaline is one of the most colourful and beautiful gemstones but one of the biggest discussions is about the difference between pink Tourmaline and Rubellite. While it comes in just about every colour of the rainbow, the pink Tourmaline is by far one of the most popular varieties. In this article we will explore where this gemstone comes from, why sometimes it is called a Rubellite Tourmaline and what some people believe this gemstone is good for.
Pink gemstones are always a popular colour and when it comes to big stone nothing can compare with Tourmaline. While it is hard to find large pink Sapphires or Spinels, pink Tourmaline is relatively easy to come by. The shades of pink can very greatly from the light soft pinks to the very intense pinks and pinkish reds.
Is It Pink Tourmaline Or Rubellite?
The biggest issue we have in the gemstone world is trying to define when a Pink Tourmaline turns into a Rubellite Tourmaline. This is a bit like the argument of when a pink Sapphire turns into a Ruby.
Rubellite is a very special kind of Tourmaline that should be a very intense pinksih Red colour. The other defining factor to be called a Rubellite is that the stone most look red in a variety of different lighting conditions (inside, outside, halogen lights, LED’s). If the Tourmaline shifts from a pinkish Red to a pink colour under different lights than it cannot be called Rubellite.
Origins Of Pink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline is a gemstone that is found all over the world. Known sources include the United States, Brazil and South America, Africa as well as areas like Afghanistan. The finest quality stones comes from Brazil (specifically the Muzo mines) and more recently from Namibia. The Namibian stones have a very intense colour and cuts really well so it has a beautiful polish.
Pink Tourmaline Treatments
Tourmaline in general is a popular gemstone because it is almost never treated. Pink Tourmaline may on occasions be heated at very low temperatures to improve the colour and clarity of the stone.
Pink Tourmaline Meaning
Metaphysically pink Tourmaline is said to open your ability to surrender to love.
Amplified tolerance and kindness
Reduces obsessive behavior and reduces stress
Allows a harmonious growth with the spiritual side.