For many years, South America has been known for its production of gemstones. The gem specimens produced in South America are among the finest you can get anywhere in the world. However, while South America as a region is known to produce gems, Brazil and Colombia stand out as two countries that produce amazing gemstones. There, you can find some of the finest gem types which include emerald, diamond, aquamarine, quartz, amethyst, sapphire, citrine, topaz, ruby, and many others.
If you are looking for some of the finest emeralds you can ever find in the world, then Columbia is probably the one for you. The other South American countries around contribute to the range of stones you can get on this continent. Some of these countries include Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Guyana. Bolivia for example is the only know natural source of Ametrine. A beautiful gemstone that is a mixture of Amethys and Citrine.
List Of Gemstones Found In South America
90% of this amazing pale blue gemstone is actually mined in Brazil which makes South America the number one source of Aquamarine. The name ‘aquamarine’ was actually formed from two Latin words which mean ‘water’ and ‘sea,’ and it is quite easy to understand why it was given that name considering its range of tones from pale to vivid blue.
Up until the 19th century, there were limited deposits of Amethyst around the world. However, after large deposits of this stunning gemstone was found in Brazil during the 19th century, South America became known for being one of the top producers of this purple stone. Currently, South America is the largest producer of amethyst worldwide.
Citrine is a member of the quartz family and can be found in many South American countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina. However, you can get some of the finest citrines in Brazil. The citrine produced in Brazil is well known for its warm tones with color ranging from orange to yellow.
Perhaps the finest producer of Emeralds, Columbia is renowned for it production of quality emeralds. The color, size, and quality of these emeralds all add to its popularity as a top producer of emerald. Even before the rest of the world discovered that Columbia produced top emeralds, these beautiful green stones were highly valued by Columbians. Interestingly, the world only found out about Columbian emeralds after the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors.
Although some deposits of imperial topaz can be found in Russia, it is actually Brazil that holds the position of the largest producer of imperial topaz in the world. Brazil produces Topaz in different colors ranging from purple to yellow, with other available colors such as orange, pink, and salmon. There are certain colors of topaz which are very rare. They are known as precious topaz. Pink is by far the least commonly found precious topaz in the world.
Other beautiful gemstones that can be found in South America include, Flourite, Sodalite, Beryl, Diamond, and Opal, amongst many others. With the area being so rich and diverse in different types of gemstones there is sure to be one that you love.